
kulupu wi wawa unu

THE next match up was IMEDIAtly after this one. It was between PREYER, A god HUNTER dressed IN RED !! And the one FROM THE SHADOW PYRZAGAL

NO ONE knew how this match would GO !!!!!! BECAUSE alse NO ONE new EITHER of them.... They were BOTH SECRETS agents tO EVERYONE and NO ONE KNOW THEM. Untli... now.........

ITH HIS RED CAPE, preyer ANTERS THE arena AND SETS UP HIW WEAPOMS and then A BLACKC LOUD cover the arena. Its PYRZAGAL... the one from the shadow..... NO ONE had seen HER TRUE FORM under the BLACK CLOUD.

BUT those who knew also new that THSI MATCH WAS ALREADY OVER. Preyer took aim with HIS RIGLE and set up hiss traps and... ! Everything FELL TO PIEcES !!!!

THE BLACK CLOUD swept the arena IN A WIRLWIND and became a CLOACK around PYRZAGAL and everyone saw her, and she his AGAIN behind her cloack and LEFT THE ARENA. the battle had lasted.... 10 s. LESS.

>NEON_ARENA_6 : Intermission 2